United States
IBM Employment Verification Portal
Welcome to IBM Ex-Employee Verification Portal
We are currently encountering some issues. Please try again after some time.
Use your email ID to login to this portal. You will receive an OTP on your email ID to authenticate yourself.
Each authenticated session is active for 30 minutes and you can raise multiple requests if needed during this session.
Once you have been authenticated, please provide the IBM Serial number (9 digits – including leading zeros and ending with 744) and the Last Day of Employment.
If your employee code provided earlier is a 6-digit number, simply add ‘744’ to the end. For instance, if your code is 123456, enter 123456744 after successfully logging into the portal.
If the information provided matches our records, you will receive an email response on your registered email address with the verification details.
If the information provided does not match our records, a ticket will be created and our support staff will review your request and respond.
Email ID:
Note: Your email address is being collected only for purpose of responding to your request